Personal Finance Classes
How do I manage with the income I have? What about my credit? Is there anything I can do to change it? The answers to these questions are the content of our classes. Clients will discover ways to make more conscious decisions with the intention of meeting their personal goals. Some of the classes offered are:
Your Credit - This session will give clients the resources to improve their financial situations. The focus will be on improving credits scores, how to read and understand credit reports, the importance of a positive credit rating, and the importance of a budget.
Managing Your Money - This session will give clients the resources to improve their financial situations. The focus will be on managing your money and the importance of a budget.
Banking Basics
Becoming a Homeowner
Interested in registering for classes? Please check our class schedule for upcoming offerings. All classes are free of charge. Instructors are volunteers with experience and expertise in finance, or trained staff. Class size is limited to 10 students. Each class is approximately 1-2 hours in length. Classes are virtual and in person. Participants must register online, or by calling 478-746-9803, ext. 103.
Top 5 Money Tips
1. Having trouble figuring out where all your money goes? Write down every dollar you spend for six weeks.
2. The key to financial success is living below your means. Living above your means is called DEBT. Living at your means is called living paycheck to paycheck. Living below your means helps secure your future!
3. Pull your credit report annually to check for accuracy.
4. Create at least one long term and one short term financial goal -- it is easier to save with a plan in mind.
5. Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you have already got. If you want something different, then DO something different.
Remember: Education empowers people to achieve their goals and to become stronger and more self-sufficient.